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Original price was: €980,00.Current price is: €800,00.

October 7th – 13th, 2024
close to Warsaw (less than 1h)

NOW AT THE BEST PRICE – 180 euro savings
Limited number of place – write to us in case of any question!

* Price does not include accommodation and meals – details in the location tab




Do you feel a longing for more intensity in your sexual experiences?
Do feelings of guilt or shame overshadow your sexual pleasure?
Do you feel fear or paralysis when situations become sexual?


•You will discover the anal phase of s#xual development, which motto is: “Here I am in this world!” (often frustrated by disrupted parental control expressed by anger or withdrawal),
• You will discover how to open up to receiving greater intensity of energy
• You will learn to build your own energy to increase the potential for pleasure from more intense forms of contact
• You will release feelings of anger and rage
• You will heal feelings of guilt and shame regarding your s#xual feelings and needs
• You will discover your wildness in a safe and playful way
• You will surrender to the tangible flow of ecstatic s#xual energy through your body.



Dark Eros refers to sexuality associated with the first chakra; s#xuality that arises from existential issues rather than pure pleasure, love, and connection.

para, związek, emocje, miłość master lover, przyjemność kurs, kursy tantry, kursy tantryczne dla par, warsztaty tantryczne

Existential issues, whether related to power, submission, anger, revenge, guilt, shame, self-worth, and personal power, imbue sexual energy with a hint of darkness. This happens because these issues are typically unconscious, perhaps even obsessive, or carry energy that threatens to spiral out of control.

The aforementioned existential issues arise from the repression of our sexual energy during early phases of sexual development, especially the oral phase. When excitement is suppressed, it turns into collapse and resignation; when it is controlled, it becomes guilt, fear, and a sense of being a bad person, which unconsciously associates arousal with submission to authority, punishment, and suffering. This occurs particularly if we were raised in a moral or religious environment that did not accept our sexual pleasure.

This workshop demonstrates how to heal and transform these existential issues through tantric techniques of releasing, expressing energy, raising awareness, creating heart space, and affirming pleasure as a supportive force for our nature.

Dark Eros techniques teach us to maintain energetically healthy and loving relationships by transforming anger and wounds through consciously giving ourselves intensity physically and energetically, allowing us to transform anger into erotic connection.

• Embracing and embracing dark impulses and energy and perceiving them with a different awareness,
• Choosing to be in physical contact instead of creating psychological distance,
• Choosing the energy of the heart to refrain from turning away, lack of touch, and violence,
• Feeling the arrival, returning home.


• Choosing pleasure from closeness and reconciliation instead of the moral satisfaction of being right,
• Choosing to be in contact and the pleasure of creating love and beauty instead of violence and suffering,
• Realizing that experiencing intensity in the form of pleasure is more spiritual than pain and suffering,
• Experiencing sexual energy as a gateway to sacred intimacy.

Openly deriving pleasure from power or punishment may initially seem perverse. But perversion lies in repression and creating taboos, which lead to the primal sublimation of sexual excitement into more socially acceptable forms of energy: power or morality.

Because when pleasure is allowed, violence disappears, and we regain innocence.

What others are saying about this workshop:

Alina Pietrzak
Exceptional workshop. A large dose of knowledge, I got to know myself and my partner better. During the workshop, I felt cared for and safe. Immense love and gratitude.
Paweł Nowakiewicz
Lovely workshop! Freya helps to release and become aware of not only the emotions we like but also the unpleasant ones, to break through not only in self-love and love for the world but also in setting boundaries, assertiveness, and self-confidence. A deep, thoughtful workshop, liberating, joyful, and providing a fresh look at oneself, relationships, and the world. Thank you.
Paweł N.
Yes, this workshop and many others at Freya Wolna are changing my consciousness, body, and I have freed myself from many unnecessary things that no longer serve me. I have found a new tribe that I love with all my heart. I'm glad to be among these wonderful people, and I highly recommend it! Aho!
okładka DARK EROS
The Dark Eros is a truly transformative retreat. It focus on detaching from old patters and rewires the mind towards pleasure. Working a lot with emotions, releasing tension and anger to move towards more consciousness and love.
kursy tantry, kursy tantryczne dla par, warsztaty tantryczne
Freya is an extraordinary teacher and an amazing woman. She has immense knowledge and skills, and she can guide anyone – whether they are completely new to this journey or already advanced in bodywork and sexuality. Freya creates a safe and warm atmosphere, she is attentive to every person in the group, and thanks to her, many things open up. I have great trust in Freya's guidance and I recommend her to everyone, couples or singles, who are seeking their path and self-discovery.
Anna S.
Paweł O
Freya is a very positive, empathetic, understanding person with a big heart for me. Of course, she is also a great guru in the field of Tantra. All workshops with Freya have been of tremendous value to me. They allowed me to start exploring Tantra, to open my eyes to many things I had never thought of or known before. I experienced many new things, learned wonderful things about myself, and began to live a better, happier life. I have always highly appreciated what Freya taught and the way she did it. I feel like every time I attended a workshop, it was exactly what I needed at that moment in my life and was meant to play a significant role. I have learned a lot from Freya, and I am still learning. I have taken something for myself and my relationships from every workshop and meeting, learned new, different ways of perceiving life and the world. I am sincerely grateful to her for that. I greatly respect Freya as a Tantra teacher, but also as an extraordinary woman. I appreciate her sincere smile, positive energy, wise words, extraordinary feminine power, openness, and understanding for others. I admire her deep knowledge of the tantric path and the way she shares and spreads her knowledge about Tantra. She strongly desires – and teaches others to do so – for people around her to live their lives to the fullest, in joy and abundance – just as she lives her own life. I highly recommend all workshops conducted by Freya.
Paweł O.
Aleksander Si
I feel that after the workshop, 'anger' got 'connected' within me, which I hadn't allowed myself to acknowledge before. Now, I sense anger coming to me, and I allow it to settle in my body, giving it space – previously, when I felt anger, I only knew it because my jaw felt tense.Now, with access to anger, I feel that I can more powerfully delve into fragile and sensitive places in my heart – something that used to overwhelm me and completely drain my strength.Working with energy using the pejcz has been very helpful; I feel a significant revitalization in my body. I particularly remember the experience of 'dead meat' -> 'active no' -> 'active yes.' I feel that I am currently at the stage of 'active no.'The dates in the art of erotic punishment have also helped me a lot; I feel that a lot has been released in me. It really stimulates my life.The rejection game has given me complete ease in suggesting naughty things, and I have fun with it. Teraz, mając dostęp do gniewu, czuję, że mogę mocniej zagłębić się w kruche i wrażliwe miejsca w moim sercu – coś, co kiedyś mnie przytłaczało i zupełnie wyczerpywało moje siły.Praca z energią za pomocą pejczu była bardzo pomocna; czuję znaczną rewitalizację w moim ciele. W szczególności pamiętam doświadczenie 'martwe mięso' -> 'aktywne nie' -> 'aktywne tak'. Czuję, że obecnie jestem w fazie 'aktywnego nie'.Rozwiązanie w sztuce erotycznej kary również bardzo mi pomogło; czuję, że wiele się we mnie uwolniło. Naprawdę pobudza to moje życie.Gra w odrzucanie dała mi całkowitą swobodę w proponowaniu niegrzecznych rzeczy, i bawię się tym.
okładka DARK EROS
For me, Dark Eros was a journey into myself to learn to distinguish when I am in a state of control and when in a state of surrender, whether I am acting from the head or the heart, whether I am in tension or relaxation, and to make a conscious choice between these states and decide in which of these states I want to be at any given moment. Each of them is necessary, but staying in one for a long time causes life to lose its quality. Dark Eros is also a lesson in consciously experiencing emotions and ways of releasing them, exploring one's body, discovering pleasure, being in truth and in contact with oneself, others, and the world, unmasking what unconsciously rules me and may not serve me at all, and discovering and opening up to new, better, mine... Like every workshop by Freya and Piotr, it is conducted with tremendous passion and professionalism, well-prepared, full of wonderful music, movement, dance, incredible conversations, meetings, various exercises, etc. It is an extraordinary, very intense, and transformative time. I highly recommend it to everyone!
Monika K.

Do you have any questions? Any doubts?

Please talk to as!
💌 kontakt@freyawolna.pl


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The inspiring power of the pine forest - 1 hour from Warsaw and Łódź.

Góra Spokoju (Mount of Peace) is a atmospheric place for creative, group work, for a creative workshop, which allows you to break away from the mundane, to experience fully the workshops of Freya and Piotr in silence and peace!

The center will host us in comfortable, year-round (heated and air-conditioned) houses, which were built from natural materials with care for the surrounding natural environment. In total, there are 19 such houses on the extensive grounds of the center. Each can comfortably accommodate 4 people. Additionally, there are 3 double rooms available in the main center.

Each cabin means:

  • 65 m2 of space
  • two bedrooms
  • living room
  • bathroom with shower
  • balcony and covered terrace with a summer kitchen and an additional toilet.
  • Each house is equipped with barbecue equipment and a hammock.
  • Each bedroom in the cottage consists of single beds with comfortable Japanese "futon" mattresses, which can be combined for those interested.

During breaks, you will be able to use the sauna area (steam bath and Finnish sauna) as well as the bio-pool (bathing pond with clean water, filtered by natural forces).

Workshop sessions will take place in a separate, newly built hall. Vegetarian meals will be served for the group in the main building.

See more details:

The cost of accommodation during our workshops:

Accommodation with meals (plant-based cuisine) ranges between 340 - 380 PLN per person per night, depending on the chosen type of accommodation:

  • Double room in the main building
  • Loft bedroom in a private cottage
  • Double room in a private cottage
  • Additional person (extra bed) in a cottage when all places are filled

More details and registration will be available soon!
Feel free to contact us: 💌 kontakt@freyawolna.pl

Freya Wolna

Tantric Love&Se✕ Coach, Certified T⍶ntra teacher and a professional trainer with over 20 years of experience, Certified Lead facilitator in the Paths Of Transformation T⍶ntra School (TPOT) , Certified Facilitator of OSHO meditations, certified professional T⍶ntra Massage Therapist.
Freya is a vibrant, charismatic facilitator with passion for life and transformation. She has a strong presence and can hold and empower large training groups.
Freya is waving her unique blend of coaching and training experiences, passion for acting and facilitating. She listens attentively not only to words, but also to the energy of the group and individuals. She sincerely meets the participants in their highs and lows, holding them in pain and guiding them to discovering their truth, joy and light. She always accommodates the training program to the individual and collective needs of the participants. Her powerful presence, intuitive approach, as well as charismatic and immersive voice make her trainings a truly unique experience. Freya facilitates transformational trainings, empowering participants in areas of T⍶ntric se✕uality; relationships, aiming at developing their full potential.
Since 2017 she has been teaching at the TPOT School of John Hawken, starting with Year Long Professional T⍶ntra Massage Trainings, later Year Long T⍶ntra training and Dark Eros Intensive. She has been also facilitating T⍶ntra Women Workshops, and Shamanic sacred Se✕uality workshops.
She is devoted to work with the medicine of Cacao, creating Ecstatic Cacao Ceremonies where she creates unique spaces for healing through shamanic meditations, DJ-ing breath and body movement. Freya’s powerful presence, integrity and feminine loving heart create safe space for transformation and growth.
Freya’s training background include: Aspex and SAR certified courses at Se✕ Coach University (USA), T⍶ntra Woman Training (SPAIN), Certified T⍶ntra Massage Teacher, Certified Tantra Teacher Training with John Hawken, Level 1 and 2 at the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA), Se✕uality Healing and Disarmouring by Susan Rousgard, and other T⍶ntric training courses by David Deida, Andrew Barnes, Ananda Sarita, Bruce Lyon, Christopher Hareesh Wallis, Shakti Malan, Sally Kempton and others.
She graduated in management from the University of Toronto in Canada and also holds an MBA in human resource management at the Kozminski University. In 2017, she completed a 2-year training in Process-Oriented Psychology.
In “previous life” international coach and manager at a large multinational IT corporation.
Freya considers herself passionate and fulfilled in life, love and work.


Piotr Reisch

Life Coach. T⍶ntra & Mindfulness Trainer, Leadership and Creativity Mentor.
He has dedicated his life to discovering possibilities of human mind and body.
In his practice he draws from over 30 years of experience in leadership, meditation, neuroscience, trauma therapy and unity consciousness. Co-founder of GAIA foundation and iMindinstitute.com – an organization exploring the edges of consciousness aiming at helping individuals and organizations in achieving peak performance – through the state-of-the-art neurofeedback and Peak State Technologies combined with Coaching, Tantra, Bodywork and Breathwork.
Piotr’s spiritual path started in the late 80’s with autogenic training, transcendental meditation and Marshal Arts. In 90’s, during his 10 years in the US, he practiced African spiritual teachings and native American traditions, participating in Blackfeet tribe ceremonies as the SunDancer. Currently he facilitates tantric workshops with his partner Freya Wolna, as the faculty of the Paths Transformations International school of Tantra.