The way to Feminine Power  

 A happy, fulfilled woman can move mountains, use her magic to turn dull and grey surroundings into a blooming meadow, her creativity can change the world. An unfulfilled, unhappy woman in a relationship suffers, makes life difficult for herself and everyone around her. It’s no secret that women thrive with good relationships and wither without them. How to open up to the flow of energy in the body, how to discover your feminine power?

  • What kind of woman do you want to become? 
  • What is your heart missing? 
  • What is missing in your life? 

I invite you to discover and heal your femininity by working with me during individual sessions and on-line coaching sessions. I am here to help you remember who you really are. Magnetic, powerful, self-confident, feminine, sensual Goddess, the queen of energy – Shakti.


  • You feel overwhelmed by your daily life
  • Maybe you are tired of being a Strong Woman? 
  • You feel disconnected inside and you don’t recognize the woman looking at you in the mirror?
  • You are constantly on the move, have no time to think about anything other than setting goals to achieve. And they never seem to end? 
  • At the end of the day, when the kids are in bed, all you can do is drink a glass of wine and you’re out?
  • Are you tired of that teasing voice telling you you’re not good enough? 
  • Do you feel like a shit mom, and when you spend time with your family, do you feel guilty for not working?
  • You feel angry at other mothers who seem to “have it all”. 
  • Tired of being tough, rough and fighting all the time?
  • Do you want to feel more confident in your body?
  • Would you like to feel the desire and the excitement without adding anything else to your “to do” list?


  • In bed, do you pretend to be asleep so your partner won’t try to have sex with you tonight? 
  • Maybe resentment towards him is the only fire burning in your relationship – do you feel like you always have to go through this endless to-do list?
  • Do you associate sex with another duty? 
  • Or maybe you are single and every relationship turns out to be a failure after some time? 
  • Are you frustrated by the expectations that you are supposed to handle it all and yet be a sex goddess?
  • Do you feel that you are constantly chasing a runaway train?
  • Have you stopped feeling yourself, and your body is more like a machine than the sensual woman you used to be?
  • Or maybe you never were – because you never really woke up sexually and sensually? 
  • Do you feel a longing for something more, for depth, passion, love?


  • To stand by your side 
  • To fully reach your value and power 
  • To reconnect with the sensual, fiery woman you know is in there somewhere 
  • To fully embrace everything, all of you exactly as you are
  • To feel more love and confidence 
  • Take the necessary steps to put your desires into practice
  • To open up to yourself, to your body and to sensuality
  • To open up to love and passion, whether you have a partner or not
  • Open up to love and create the life you want


 I invite you for a radical transformation of your life. During individual sessions, we work with the body and emotions related to the fears, problems and challenges of a modern woman, in the sphere of the body, emotions, energy and intimate life.  

Thanks to a combination of tantric practices, body work, elements of process-oriented therapy, coaching and modern neuroscience, my somatic and energy-based approach goes much deeper than traditional counselling, at the same time being a pleasant and positive experience. 

Are you ready to begin this journey? Against the background of the second box.

Are you ready to start this journey?


 In a series of meetings, you will begin to regain a woman’s natural ability to feel. You will learn how to take care of your boundaries and how to say NO to the expectations of others without succumbing to social norms, religion or conventions telling you what you should feel and how to behave as a woman. You will begin to see and feel a wide range of your feelings and emotions. You will start to open up to yourself, your femininity, carnality, gentleness, sensuality, vulnerability and the secret of your inner world to discover its real treasures.

You will taste the sweetness of vulnerability coming from an open heart, you will get to know the tears that flow when there is nothing to hide behind… You will discover that openness and defencelessness are a sign of strength. You will no longer be afraid of confrontation, you will learn to take care of yourself, boldly speak your truth even though it may hurt.


A conscious woman is a strong woman who realized that in addition to the expectations she has for herself and others, she needs to take care of her inner world, her energy, her body and its needs. She has learned, often as a result of a crisis, that not everything is available at will when she wants it. She already knows this doesn’t work. She knows her limitations, she knows what pain and suffering are and she knows it’s time to say IT’S ENOUGH. And she decided to change it. She wakes up from a deep sleep. She began to look at life with delight letting go of the tension, and to listen to her body, to her spirit. She got to know her sexuality and was delighted with it, she knows what gives her pleasure, she is able to open up to it and allows herself to deeply experience pleasure. She knows her needs and knows how to communicate them. 

If you have already awaken and everything is flowing, I invite you to explore further - because development is a fascinating adventure for life! 🙂 Together we will discover how you can open up to even more flow, to love, to ecstasy and multiple orgasms, which takes you to other dimensions of love and experiencing unity not only with your partner but with everything.


We work with what is alive in you at the moment. Each session begins with a coaching conversation, during which I get to know your needs, define our boundaries and the scope of work during the session.

During the sessions, we create a safe atmosphere for conversation and practice to access emotions. We build space for your body to relax and open to feeling and softness. A session may include sexual healing, pelvic release, opening up to pleasure, passion, wildness, naughtiness, and deeply hidden desires and fantasies. 

During the session, we work with the body, touch (nudity is possible during the massage), emotions, breath and energy.


For the body to relax and the mind to trust, safety is key. Over the years of studying and working with the body, I know how difficult it is to trust in such delicate matters as sexuality and spirituality.


I HAVE TRAINED in one of the most reputable Tantra schools - The Paths of Transformation, with John Hawken as my teacher and mentor. After 8 years of training, I obtained the diploma of a practitioner and teacher of tantric massage, Dark Eros and teacher of Tantra.


As a board member of ASIS - the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists - I care about your safety and boundaries, adhering to the ethical principles of this organization.


My standard of work is confirmed by the seal of approval of the German organization TrustedBodywork, which verifies its members in detail for compliance with their quality criteria . This includes legal regulations, as well as stringent basic training requirements.


 How to disarm and unlock your body to feel the bliss of energy flow to become the essence of femininity, a multiorgasmic flow of carnal and spiritual pleasure. 

How to love your body and emotions to discover what you really want and communicate it in such a way that your partner is excited to give it to you. 

How to release the energy of creation and attract love, a partner, children, great work, abundance, or whatever you dream of into your life

How to recognize and strengthen your conscious masculinity to create a safe container for the female flow and manifest your creative power. 


Emotional Depth

Your feelings are sacred. All of them. Even those hidden due to shame – jealousy, rage, sadness, and self-pity are just as important as joy, elation, and lust. You will learn to develop the ability to feel so deeply that you will feel your heart soften and open up by accepting all that is present. 

Conscious Presence

To go deep into your femininity, you need a container and a structure to hold it. During the sessions, we will focus on both your creativity/emotional flow and pleasure as well as your ability to hold space to yourself and shape your life in a way that supports and nourishes you. 

The flow of energy and pleasure

So many of us have been trying to protect ourselves from feeling since we were born. It’s time to let this go! Together, we will train your nervous system to sensitively wake up to emotions and pleasure so that you can reconnect with your feminine essence. 


Healing the Feminine 

Letting go of old limiting patterns about the role of women and femininity, sensuality and sexuality. By accepting and loving your body, you will throw off the yoke, you will meet your inner wild woman and holy harlot. You will understand that sex is a sacred act of creation, the body is a temple of love, and orgasm is a mystical experience of unity with your partner and the whole world.

Healing the Body and Sexuality 

Releasing tension, blockages and old patterns. Working with pain, lack of pleasure, inability to achieve orgasms. Opening the body to touch and pleasure, through fascial, tantric and energetic massages, disarming the pelvis and yoni.

Multiorgasmic woman 

You will get to know and understand the energy of your body, learn breathing techniques, energy work, breathwork and tantric body work to enrich your intimate experiences and open yourself to pleasure and experiencing multiple orgasms that transcendent physical pleasure.

Awakening of the Wild Woman

You will get to know and tame your energy body. Through breathing, visualizations and tantric and shamanic practices, you will discover your true feminine power flowing from the womb, you will open yourself to your wildness so that, in combination with your heart, it becomes your ally in relationships, sex, work and life.

The Art of Love and Pleasure

The aim is to learn how to give and receive touch, communicate intimately and learn the magic of Tantra.

Dark Eros – healing of guilt and shame 

Transformation of the imprinted belief of being “bad” and rejected for being different into a sense of pleasure of being naughty and unique. Discovering transgressive sexuality with a flavour of the “dark” forbidden fruit. The use and transgression of punishment to affirm the courage and inner power of the first chakra. Cleansing the imprinted patterns and removing blockades from the first chakra: existential anxiety, guilt and shame and, as a result, finding your personal power, discovering your place in life, opening yourself to the flow of energy and abundance. 

Your Path to Freedom

Tantra is a spiritual path of meditation and specific tools for personal development and self work, leading to liberation from the shackles of the mind, limiting beliefs, restrictions and social programming. It is the path to personal power and to accepting life in all its manifestations; in material abundance, creation and manifestation with kind acceptance of ourselves and everything that we experience.

In such a session, you will experience opening up to your inner masculinity (yes, that’s not a mistake! women also have their inner man :)), i.e. learning to meditate, directing and creating a safe container for the flow of feminine energy. By opening yourself to the light of the Spirit, you will open yourself to your potential and personal power to manifest what you want in life. 

Uzdrawianie Ciała i Seksualności –  Uwalnianie napięć, blokad i starych wzorców. Praca z bólem, brakiem odczuwania przyjemności, nieumiejętnością osiągania orgazmów. Otwieranie ciała na dotyk i przyjemność, poprzez masaże powięziowe, tantryczne i energetyczne, rozbrajanie miednicy i yoni. 

Kobieta MultiorgazmicznaPoznasz i zrozumiesz energię swojego ciała, nauczysz się technik oddechowych, energetycznych, oddechu i tantrycznej pracy z ciałem by wzbogacić swoje doświadczenia intymne i otworzyć się na przyjemność i przeżywanie wielokrotnych orgazmów które przekraczają fizyczną przyjemność.

Przebudzenie Dzikiej Kobiety -Poznasz i oswoisz swoje ciało energetyczne. Poprzez oddech, wizualizacje i praktyki tantryczne i szamańskie, odkryjesz swoją prawdziwą kobiecą moc płynącą z łona, otworzysz się na swoją dzikość by w połączeniu z sercem stała się twoim sprzymierzeńcem w relacjach, seksie, pracy i w życiu.

Sztuka Kochania i Przyjemności – Nauka dawania i przyjmowania dotyku, komunikacji intymnej i magii tantry.

Dark Eros – uzdrawianie winy i wstydu – Transformacja wdrukowanego imprintu bycia „ złą” i odrzucaną za inność na poczucie przyjemności z bycia niegrzeczną i oryginalną. Odkrywanie transgresywnej seksualności o „ciemnym” zabarwieniu zakazanego owocu. Wykorzystanie i transgresja narzędzi kary dla afirmacji odwagi i wewnętrznej mocy pierwszej czakry. Oczyszczanie wzorców i blokad pierwszej czakry: lęków egzystencjalnych, poczucia winy i wstydu i w efekcie odnajdywanie swojej mocy osobistej, odkrywanie swojego miejsca w życiu otwieranie się na przepływ energii i obfitość.

Twoja Ścieżka Wolności – Tantra to duchowa ścieżka medytacji i konkretne narzędzia rozwoju osobistego i pracy nad sobą prowadzące do wyzwolenia z oków umysłu, ograniczających przekonań, zakazów i nakazów społecznych. To droga do osobistej mocy i do przyjmowania życia w każdym jego przejawie; w materialnej obfitości, tworzenia i manifestacji przy łagodnej akceptacji siebie i wszystkiego co nas spotyka. Podczas takiej sesji doświadczysz otwierania się na swoją wewnętrzną męskość (tak, to nie pomyłka! Kobiety też mają swojego wewnętrznego mężczyznę:), czyli nauki medytacji, ukierunkowania i tworzenia bezpiecznego kontenera na kobiecy przepływ. Otwierając się na światło Ducha, otworzysz się na swój potencjał i swoją osobistą moc by manifestować w życiu to czego pragniesz.


The work we do together gives great results, but requires commitment and determination. From my many years of experience, I know that results are achieved by people who put themselves and their development at the top of the priority list.  That is why I introduced the application process to sign up for working with me. The results are important to me, so I want to make sure that those who hire me are emotionally, energetically engaged, and devote the time required to do the work.

Please complete the form below to qualify to work with me.  You will receive information about packages and required investment after completing the form.

What others are saying

Participants' opinions​

Katarzyna Golabska
"A wonderful, warm person with great knowledge and feel. The Tantric session with my husband was a wonderful journey into myself, and taught me a great deal. Highly recommended! In a warm, almost family-like, intimate atmosphere, in a sense of freedom and readiness for whatever comes, Freya helps to see what was previously invisible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Paweł Nowakiewicz
"A wonderful workshop! Freya helps to let go and become aware of not only the emotions we like, but also those we call unpleasant; she helps to break through not only in love for ourselves and the world, but also in setting boundaries, assertiveness and self-confidence. A deep, well-thought-out workshop, freeing, giving joy, allowing to take a fresh look at oneself, relationships and the world. Thank you."
"Freya is a great tantric teacher who can build a deep and safe atmosphere during her workshops and massage sessions. She opened my eyes to Tantra and during her workshop I’ve met my beloved partner for life I’m very grateful to have met her on my path. Thank you, dear Freya, and all the best! Yours, Agni."
"Mindfulness, ease of delivery, knowledge combined with experience, confidence, calmness, the ability to motivate, openness to questions, to the student's doubts - all of it was top notch, carried out professionally and, at the same time, without unnecessary superiority."
"Workshops with Freya Wolna changed my consciousness, relaxed my body and helped me free myself from many unnecessary matters that do not serve me. At her workshops, I have found a new tribe that I love with all my heart I am glad to be among these wonderful people. Highly recommended! Izabela Wilczyca Aho!"
Paweł O
"All of her workshops were of great value to me. They helped me start to learn about Tantra, open my eyes, live new experiences, discover myself, start living a better and happier life. I admire her for her profound knowledge of the tantric path and for the way she embodies what she teaches - that people should live life to the fullest, in joy and abundance - as she lives hers. I highly recommend all workshops led by Freya."
Paweł O.
Anna S
"Freya is an amazing teacher and an amazing woman; she has great knowledge and skill. She will guide everyone - complete beginners or advanced. She creates a safe and warm atmosphere, she is attentive to each person in the group, a lot of people opened up with her help. I have great confidence in Freya’s guidance and I recommend meeting her to everyone, couples, singles, people looking for their path and for self-discovery."
Anna S.
Jagoda M.
"Freya is a very significant person in my life. She has a great deal of direct, first-hand knowledge from many teachers, and a very broad skill set to conduct her work. I am always delighted to see how she courageously guides the participants through the meanders of their own bodies and minds. Freya shares herself with grace, gives a lot, doesn’t hold anything back, and is fully committed. She can give you more than you expect."
Agnieszka PG
"I was looking for the right person from whom I could learn Tantra for ages. Once I've found Freya, I stopped looking. During the Tantric Massage workshops, I met a wonderful trainer and guide in the secrets of tantra. I was looking for the right person from whom I could learn Tantra for ages. Once I've found Freya, I stopped looking. During the Tantric Massage workshops, I met a wonderful trainer and guide in the secrets of tantra. There is no match for Freya and her approach in Poland; she carefully selects a team of assistants, which translates to a very professional approach to training and clients."
Agnieszka PG
Kamila B.
"Freya is a beautiful soul, woman and teacher. She shares her knowledge in a unique way. She is open, she inspires confidence. She is a woman in flow, radiating a nice warm energy that gives a sense of security. During the workshops, she knows when to let go and when to turn up the heat. She moves very well in this space. I hope to meet her many more times!"
Kamila B.
Katarzyna N.
"I had a lot of concerns about my personal session. They quickly disappeared as I felt Freya's respect for me (my body, my boundaries, needs, emotions, challenges). I've seen her several times. I could always make an informed decision as to whether I wanted to go further at any given moment. I believe that Freya's massage was one of the factors in my positive life change. I highly recommend it."
Katarzyna N.
Kinga K-M
"Freya, thank you for the space where you shared your experiences, your smile and tears. Meeting you in a space of love and truth is always special. I hold you dear in my heart."
Kinga KM
Kasia M.
"You are close to my heart. Your tantric knowledge and the way you share it keeps me on this path. I am very grateful for each of your workshops for your full presence and support. I love you, beautiful Goddess."
Kasia L.
Ola A.
"Freya teaches women how to enjoy their femininity. She teaches couples how to taste the love. It teaches adult people how to enjoy small, wonderful moments. She guides those in need with focus and love through their challenges. She invites you on a journey, after which nothing will ever be the same. And she does all this with warmth, safety and a sense of humour."
Ola A.
Radek M.
"Lightness, presence, ease and the feminine power with which she conducts the workshops make you want to listen to Freya. Freya is professional, rich with experience and, above all, full of sensitivity and power of love. Freya doesn't push, she encourages. She doesn’t scold you – she shows you the way like a loving mother who wants the best for you. Thanks to Freya, my life has been completely transformed on practically every level. Thank you, Freya"
Radek M.
Tessa W.
"Freya has a gift. Thanks to her experience, knowledge and a beautiful, warm heart, you can trust her fully, relax deeply, experience the wonderful bliss of being, and meet yourself again. Freya's attentive, respectful and sanctified touch draws from various methods, covers the entire spectrum of sensations, which wonderfully revives and soothes the body and soul. Highly recommended!"
Tessa W.
"I was at the “Awakening of Power” not knowing what to expect - there was power, there was joy, there were emotions - first of all, there was living the experience. I found out how I want to experience, what to unlock - this was a really moving event... I highly recommend it!"
Edyta K.
Aleksander Si
"I have followed Tantra for 3.5 years now and I started with Freya at the Annual Tantric Massage Training. And I keep coming back to workshops because I still feel that I can learn a lot from her. I trust her guidance, a lot opens up in me, be it the sensitivity of my heart or, as now at Dark Eros, my space of power. Each time I feel that Freya is a wonderful guide. Thank you!"
Aleksander Si 
Alina Pietrzak
"A unique workshop. A good dose of knowledge, I got to know myself and my partner better. During the workshop, I felt taken care of and safe. Much love and gratitude."
Alina Pietrzak
barbara b
"The annual tantric massage training is much more than techniques. During this course I learned not only how to massage, but most of all I got a manual on how to use my own body, know my boundaries and needs. Freya's guidance into tantra is the most wonderful thing there can be, she does it with her innate gentleness and wisdom. I am grateful I can assist you and learn from you. I love you."
Barbara B.
Norbert Parkasiewicz
"I recommend the annual tantric massage training with Freya It is not only getting to know massage techniques but also learning beautiful ceremonies, meditations and I get to meet really interesting people. It is a journey into oneself with a good dose of emotion."
Norbert Parkasiewicz

Are you ready to start this journey?