These Workshop Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) define the rules of participation, i.e. the performance of the agreement for conducting stationary Workshops.
§ 1
Organizer – TANTRAWAY, MICHALINA FRĄCZEK ul. Okrzeszyn 26, 05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna.
Workshop – selected Workshop available at the organizer’s website
Participant – a customer who has purchased a stationary service in the Tantraway Online Store at
Lead instructor – the Organizer, a co-host or a person authorized by the Organizer to conduct Workshops (information available in the Workshop description on the Website).
Website – means the website available at and its subpages, the administrator of which is Tantraway.
Online shop – online shop available at the domain
§ 2 Workshop Organization
1. The scope, place, price, instructor, date and time of the workshops are specified in the current offer of workshops established by the Organizer, available at the website, and communicated to the Participant via the Newsletter.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Workshop or change the date and place for reasons beyond its control (e.g. accidents, illness of the Instructor, etc.), as well as due to insufficient number of people registered for the Workshop. The Organizer undertakes to immediately notify the Participant of such a situation.
3. In the event the Workshop is cancelled, the Organizer proposes a new date. In the event of the Participants inability to participate, the Organizer shall refund the fee paid by the Participant for participation in the Workshop, no later than 7 days from the date of receipt of the message about cancelling the Workshop.
4. The order of applications and the number of available places determine the possibility of participating in the Workshop.
5. The Organizer provides the materials necessary to conduct the Workshop.
6. The prices provided at the website refer to the price of the workshop and to indicative prices for accommodation in the place where the workshop is organised. However, unless otherwise stated in the description of a given workshop, participants book accommodation on their own. The Organizer does not mediate in the process of booking accommodation; therefore, it is not responsible for the booking of accommodation and the manner in which this service is provided by the entity offering it.
7. The Workshop is conducted by the Instructor and the person indicated in the Workshop description at the Website. In exceptional cases, a substitute is possible. In this case, the Organizer guarantees the appropriate substantive preparation of the new Instructor. A change of the Instructor cannot be the basis for a Participant to request a refund of the Workshop fee.
§ 3 Rules of participation in the Workshop
Stationary workshops are intended for adults who have turned 18 on the day of the workshop at the latest.
1. Workshop participant does not have to have experience gained in previous tantric workshops, with the exception of classes in which it is clearly specified that the workshop is intended for an advanced group.
2. During the workshops there is never any sexual intercourse in the room.
3. The organizer is not responsible for items left in the place of the workshop by participants, including after the end of the workshop.
4. During the workshop, there is a strict ban on photographing and/or filming or sound recording in the workshop room, unless such actions are agreed with the instructor and the group of participants.
5. The Participant is obliged to behave at the workshop with respect for the instructors and other participants of the workshop, including their right to participate in the workshop in an engaged, focused and uninterrupted manner. Any aggressive and inappropriate behaviour towards other participants and/or the Instructor will not be accepted.
6. During the workshops, from the beginning of the first day to the end of the last day, the participant is obliged not to consume or be under the influence of alcohol or any other mood-altering or intoxicating substances.
7. The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited during classes. During classes, mobile phones should be turned off or the sound should be muted and vibrations turned off.
8. The participant is obliged to inform the leading Instructor in case of expected lateness. In order to ensure efficient communication, the participant on the day of the workshop/class informs the Instructor about his/her lateness in the form of a text message sent to the following number: +48 517643295. In other cases, i.e. on the eve of the workshop and earlier, the above-mentioned information can also be provided in the form of an e-mail to In the event of a late or an early departure from the workshop by the participant, the fee for the workshop is not refundable in any amount.
§ 4 Rights and obligations of the Participant and the Organizer during the workshops.
1. Can always refuse to participate in a given exercise or meditation. In the event of refusal to participate, the leading Instructor should be informed in advance about the reason for such a decision.
2. Are responsible for damages caused during the workshops to oneself or other Participants, which are the result of negligence or careless/inattentive or reckless conduct. The same applies to damage caused to property, equipment and devices used during the workshops.
3. Are obliged to complete the Registration Form for a given workshop (and update it) in order to inform the Lead Instructor well in advance about their infectious diseases and psychophysical condition of which they are aware, and about any health contraindications that may affect their health during the workshop. Informing the instructor does not release the participant from the responsibility for non-compliance with the basic safety precautions that result from their health or psychophysical condition. In addition, due to the safety of other participants, the Instructor has the right to refuse participation in the workshops to people showing symptoms of illness or otherwise threatening the health and safety of other participants and instructors.
4. Agree to the working methods of the Instructors/leaders and not to question their decisions, knowledge and competences, and follow the guidance of the Instructor conducting the workshops.
5. Are obliged to arrive at the workshop on time according to the schedule provided by the Instructor. During a workshop module in progress, the established schedule – in consultation with workshop participants – may be slightly changed. In such an event, the updated schedule should be followed.
6. A Participant who violates the rules described in points 1-5 above, or otherwise makes it difficult for Instructors to conduct the workshops, or makes it difficult for other participants to participate in the workshops, after a prior warning from the leading Instructor, may be expelled from the workshops (including until the end), without the right to demand a refund of the price for participation in the workshops, in any amount.
§ 5 Confidentiality principles and rules for using the knowledge gained during the workshops
Participants of workshops are obliged to strictly and indefinitely maintain full confidentiality concerning the personal information of participants and information obtained during the classes from other participants. The obligation of confidentiality also covers the methodology and formula of conducting workshops by the Organizer, tools, scenery, props, materials, exercises, course of workshops. Participants undertake to use the knowledge and materials acquired during the workshops for personal use only. The rules for using the effects of work are additionally specified in detail in paragraph 10 of the Regulations for the sale and provision of electronic services (License and copyright). In a situation where a participant would like to conduct trainings or workshops on their own in the future based on the knowledge gained during our workshops and/or in a similar formula as the Organizer, the participant should first contact the Organizer in order to obtain permission for such action and/or present an individual training offer for trainers and educators. The Participant is obliged to adhere to the obligations specified in this paragraph for 10 years from the end of the workshop.
§ 6 Final Provisions
To the remaining extent, the provisions of the Regulations of the Tantraway Store – sale and provision of electronic services available at www.tantraway shall apply.
We process personal data of participants on the terms set out in the Privacy and Cookie Policy available at
These Regulations come into force on the 28.02.2023.