Tantric Love&Se✕ Coach, Certified T⍶ntra teacher and a professional trainer with over 20 years of experience, Certified Lead facilitator in the Paths Of Transformation T⍶ntra School (TPOT) , Certified Facilitator of OSHO meditations, certified professional T⍶ntra Massage Therapist.
Freya is a vibrant, charismatic facilitator with passion for life and transformation. She has a strong presence and can hold and empower large training groups.
Freya is waving her unique blend of coaching and training experiences, passion for acting and facilitating. She listens attentively not only to words, but also to the energy of the group and individuals. She sincerely meets the participants in their highs and lows, holding them in pain and guiding them to discovering their truth, joy and light. She always accommodates the training program to the individual and collective needs of the participants. Her powerful presence, intuitive approach, as well as charismatic and immersive voice make her trainings a truly unique experience. Freya facilitates transformational trainings, empowering participants in areas of T⍶ntric se✕uality; relationships, aiming at developing their full potential.
Since 2017 she has been teaching at the TPOT School of John Hawken, starting with Year Long Professional T⍶ntra Massage Trainings, later Year Long T⍶ntra training and Dark Eros Intensive. She has been also facilitating T⍶ntra Women Workshops, and Shamanic sacred Se✕uality workshops.
She is devoted to work with the medicine of Cacao, creating Ecstatic Cacao Ceremonies where she creates unique spaces for healing through shamanic meditations, DJ-ing breath and body movement. Freya’s powerful presence, integrity and feminine loving heart create safe space for transformation and growth.
Freya’s training background include: Aspex and SAR certified courses at Se✕ Coach University (USA), T⍶ntra Woman Training (SPAIN), Certified T⍶ntra Massage Teacher, Certified Tantra Teacher Training with John Hawken, Level 1 and 2 at the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA), Se✕uality Healing and Disarmouring by Susan Rousgard, and other T⍶ntric training courses by David Deida, Andrew Barnes, Ananda Sarita, Bruce Lyon, Christopher Hareesh Wallis, Shakti Malan, Sally Kempton and others.
She graduated in management from the University of Toronto in Canada and also holds an MBA in human resource management at the Kozminski University. In 2017, she completed a 2-year training in Process-Oriented Psychology.
In “previous life” international coach and manager at a large multinational IT corporation.
Freya considers herself passionate and fulfilled in life, love and work.