Danni Lovefox

Main offers: Holistic Sex Coaching, Tantric Bodywork, Tantra Teaching Series, De-Armouring, Couples Tantra, Sexual Healing

As a certified teacher of the tantric and dark eros pathways at The Paths of Transformation, as well as a professional tantric dominatrix for many years, she weaves the magic of tantra within a trauma-informed guided journey towards embodied erotic expression, offering a supportive space to explore yourself and your connection to the universe through the interface that is the body. ​
Powered by ongoing training in somatics, conscious kink, shadow and trauma work, my teaching brings you lovingly and compassionately towards greater awareness of the many layers that make up your being – as we explore this gateway that lies deep within the present moment, through which you may fly beyond the everyday… to touch something beyond.

More info: https://www.trustedbodywork.com/profiles/dannilovefox