Did you know that emotions arising from our earliest experiences often create barriers that prevent us from fully experiencing life?
During Dark Eros, we embark on a deep journey to the core of our being, where deeply rooted feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and anger reside. Through the wisdom of the tantric approach and modern bodywork therapies and neuroscience, we offer a path to understanding and transforming in order to derive pleasure from sexuality and live in freedom and fullness.
Dark Eros is based on tantric philosophy, integrated with therapeutic methods rooted in bioenergetics, process-oriented psychology, TantraSOMA ©, sex coaching, shadow work, and conscious kink.
Under the vigilant guidance of Freya and Piotr, experienced teachers of transformational Tantra, you will delve into various practices aimed at releasing tensions from the body and mental blockages to reprogram cultural patterns that hinder life force. The goal is to discover your true nature and unlock your full potential. This way, freed from the cage of past traumas and fears, you will be able to make conscious choices, build fulfilling relationships, and enjoy pleasure from sex while embracing your strength and agency.
During Dark Eros, we address all these topics. What you gain from this workshop will not only enrich your sexual life.
We guarantee that the power and sense of agency you discover in this workshop will also be beneficial in professional relationships and in life in general.
Why are we so sure?
We have already seen over 200 people complete this workshop.
Dark Eros is a deep transformational journey. This workshop invites you to explore and express sexuality that is consciously transgressive, as well as to discover the special flavor and juiciness of the forbidden fruit.
The workshop aims at education, awareness development, and transformation in a safe space for exploration. Respect, consent, and openness are the foundations of our values.
We invite:
We offer a safe and inclusive space for all individuals over the age of 18.
During the week-long Dark Eros workshop, we utilize various transformational practices that will open you up to:
Poczucie „powrotu do domu”: Odczuwanie głębokiego poczucia dotarcia do głębszego zrozumienia siebie i swoich pragnień.
Zwiększenia świadomości traumy: Zrozumienie wpływu traumy na intymność.
Zrozumienie mechanizmów zarządzających przyjemnością: Zrozumienie powiązań między neurobiologią a pracą z ciałem/Tantrą i świadomym kinkiem.
Doświadczenie Tantry Somatycznej: rozpoznanie połączeń ciała i energii w aktywowaniu energii mocy i wrażliwości.
Odkrywanie archetypów erotycznych: eksploracja i ucieleśnianie archetypów erotycznych, ukrytych pod kulturowymi tabu ukrytych pożądań.
Umocnienie (empowerment): odkrywanie pewności siebie i autentyczności w labiryncie żądzy, władzy i pragnień. Zdobywanie narzędzi do śmiałego wyrażania swoich potrzeb, pragnień i granic.
Awareness of Trauma
Understanding the impact of trauma on intimacy
Establishing Conscious Boundaries
The Art of Expressing Needs, Consent, and Boundaries
A Sense of “Coming Home”
Reaching a Deeper Understanding of Yourself and Your Desires
Confidence and Authenticity
Power Dynamics
Domination, submission, surrender guided by awareness
Embracing the Shadow
Recognition and integration of the shadow with mindfulness and awareness
Recognizing the Connections Between Body and Energy in Activating Power and Sensitivity Energy.
Tradition and Modernity
Understanding the connections between neurobiology and bodywork/Tantra and conscious kink.
Deep Connection and Intimacy
Making conscious choices regarding pleasure beyond social or moral constraints
Understanding Sacred Sexuality
Exploring sexual energy as a gateway to deep, sacred connections
Understanding the Connections Between Neurobiology and Bodywork/Tantra and Conscious Kink.
Exploring Erotic Archetypes
Exploration and embodiment of desire and archetypes hidden beneath cultural taboos.
Activation of Pleasure
Awakening the body through conscious touch and awareness of energy
Healing Sexuality
Rituals for Opening the First Chakra
Safe Kink
Working with whips and other toys in a safe and beautiful way. Juicy play at Sex Parties and Temple Nights.
Program został zaprojektowany, aby pomóc Ci zrozumieć i zintegrować tematykę Dark Eros, uwolnić blokady i ograniczenia związane ze swobodnym wyrażeniem swoich potrzeb seksualnych, zbudować głębsze, bardziej satysfakcjonujące relacje i otworzyć się na swoją moc.
Każdego ranka odbywa się krąg podczas którego jest okazja do podzielenia się swoimi doswaiczeniami, uzyskania wglądów i wsparcia od prowadzących. Po kręgu odbywają się zajęcia praktyczne (praca z ciałem, uwalnianie energetyczne, uzdrawianie, aktywacja energii i inne).
Podczas przerwy obiadowej będzie dodatkowy czas wolny, aby połączyć się z innymi i cieszyć ośrodkiem (z basenem i sauną) i naturą.
Po przerwie zbieramy się na dalszą część zajęć praktycznych.
Wieczorem zwykle odbywają sie rytuały tantryczne, praktyki w podgrupach, świątynie i kinky sexy party.
Immerse yourself in the transformative journey of Dark Eros and emerge with a renewed sense of pleasure, power, and connection. Register now to secure your spot in this life-changing experience.
Spots are limited. Reserve your place today and embark on a journey that will transform your erotic energy into a source of deep healing and liberation.
DARK EROS will be led by Freya Wolna Reisch and Piotr Reisch—experienced trainers and creators of the TantraSOMA© Method, specializing in conscious sexuality, bioenergetics, shadow work, and emotional healing. They lead workshops for singles and couples. They have been conducting the Dark Eros workshop, originally created by John Hawken, in Poland for over six years.
This workshop is the best, safest, and most comfortable place to explore these experiences at your own pace and to the extent that you feel ready.
f you haven’t filled out the form yet, you can leave your contact information here. We will reach out to you and schedule a convenient time for a 15-minute conversation to answer your questions.
Are you ready to discover your deepest desires?
Everyone who has attended our courses is amazed by the mindfulness, slowness, beauty, and tranquility of what we offer. At the same time, you will face challenges and have the space to feel everything—love and anger, shame, fear, pain, longing, excitement, wildness, joy…
We honor all emotions so that you can express your feelings fully and authentically.
Your safety and comfort are absolutely paramount. You will never be forced to do anything you do not want to do, and you will always have access to the teachers and a team of trained practitioners for support.
Your registration is binding. If the event is scheduled to take place within less than 2 weeks from the date of reservation, it cannot be canceled. If you become ill before the workshop, you may receive a voucher for other workshops taking place within 12 months.
In the event that the workshop is not held by the organizer for reasons other than force majeure, the organizer agrees to refund 100% of the price already paid for the course. Details can be found in our refund policy.
As a member of the board of ASIS – the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists – I prioritize your safety and boundaries by adhering to the ethical guidelines of this organization.
My work standard is confirmed by the approval seal of the German organization TrustedBodywork, which thoroughly evaluates its members for compliance with quality criteria.
For 8 years, I trained at one of the most renowned tantra schools, "The Paths of Transformation," under its founder John Hawken, as a teacher and mentor.